Before the quarter is out, we will be offering a few more of our Finding Funding overviews in the GradPost headquarters! This is a great opportunity to make sure you are in the know about all of the ways to find funding here as a graduate student! If you bring your laptop, you can follow right along and begin basic funding searches during the workshop. Or if you prefer, you can just watch and learn. I'll be on hand (your funding peer) to answer any questions you might have about using our funding search engines and other finding funding resources and to fill you in on some lesser known resources. These workshops will be capped at 10 students to make sure we have plenty of space, so RSVP soon to guarantee a spot!
Here is the schedule:
Friday November 18th, 11am-12pm
Friday December 2nd, 10am-11am
Interested? RSVP to Courtney at Include your name, department, and email address, as well as which session you would like to attend.
**The GradPost headquarters are located in the Graduate Student Resource Center on the first floor of the SRB building (right across from the main desk and the computer lab). You'll see GradPost signs in the window!